Little People Christmas Story Nativity Playset

Little People Nativity SetWe bought the Little People Christmas Story Nativity Playset this year to add to our Christmas decorations. We were surprised to see that our 1 year old played with this set for almost an hour the first day that we set it up!

We had really purchase the set as a “child safe” nativity set that our young kids couldn’t break — we didn’t really consider it to be a play toy — but that is exactly what it has turned out to be.

Just like all the Fisher-Price “Little People” toys, it’s high quality and safe for toddlers and young kids. The star above the manger lights up and plays the song, “Away in a Manger”. This set is a cute and fun way to teach your young children about the story of Christmas.

LEGO City Advent Calendar 2011

Lego City Advent Calendar 2011The LEGO City Advent Calendar is a best selling toy every year. This toy is a fun way to celebrate the tradition of Advent with your family. The Lego’s are designed for kids age 5 years old and up and include 232 pieces. Each day for 24 days, you open up a new compartment to reveal some new Lego’s on a Christmas theme. After opening up all 24 days, you can put all the pieces together to create one larger scene.