Fisher-Price Elmo Live

The new Fisher-Price Elmo Live is sure to be on the top of the holiday shopping list for boys and girls 18 months up to around 7 years old. Building on the popularity of the famous “tickle me Elmo” from a few years ago, this new Elmo live is much more interactive. He talks and moves his arms in life like ways. If he falls down, he will nicely asks for help. Amazon customers are rating Elmo live with 4 out of 5 stars. The only negative comment is that his speaking voice can be difficult to understand. Click here to read more reviews on Amazon.

Toy Leaf Blower

Sometimes the best toys are actually “tools”. My 2 year old loves his toy leaf blower. He plays with it inside and outside. This gives him a chance to use tools, “just like dad”. Kids learn a lot by imitating the behavior of their parents. This toy leaf blower has provided hours of fun. It is battery operated and makes a whirring noise that my son refers to simply as “loud”. He says it with a little smile… “loud”. He loves his “loud” leaf blower. Here are the two most popular toy leaf blowers currently available.

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